Tell Me About Antarctica: Guidelines for In Situ Capture and Viewing of 360-degree Video Highlighting Antarctic Science

2017 – 2018


The goal of this project was to identify ways in which Antarctic scientists could effectively convey their research to the general public through personal digital media, focusing on creating first-person learning experiences with 360-degree videos and immersive VR viewers.

The project report describes new methods for capturing 360-degree video content of Antarctic experts describing their work from Antarctica. In addition, the report describes the use of virtual reality (VR) techniques for creating engaging viewing experiences for consumers of the captured video. Several videos were captured in Christchurch of subject matter experts taking about their work, and lessons learned from these capture sessions were used in designing further capture sessions carried out in Antarctica. The report includes links to viewable examples of the various concepts and techniques developed for this project and ends by providing a set of new camera-shot types that uniquely apply to the new medium of 360-degree video.

This project was completed as part of the University of Canterbury’s Postgraduate Certificate in Antarctic Studies (PCAS).

    Research Outputs

      • Lindeman, R. (2018). Tell Me About Antarctica: Guidelines for In Situ Capture and Viewing of 360-degree Video Highlighting Antarctic Science (PCAS 20 (2017/2018) [Project Report, University of Canterbury]. University of Canterbury Research Repository.
      • Lindeman, R. (2018). Measuring the impact of 360° videography in Antarctica for educational purposes [Literature Review, University of Canterbury]. University of Canterbury Research Repository.
      • HIT Lab NZ Antarctic Video Content


    Prof. Rob Lindeman, HIT Lab NZ, University of Canterbury