Musicbox Image Page
This page contains some images from my animation entitled "The Musicbox."
It shows some of the more important scenes from the animation.
The Opening
The story opens with a view of a room, with a table on which stand some
objects in seeming disarray.
Large GIF (120K), or TIFF (417K) Image.
The camera moves to look at a picture on the wall. (Note the reflections on the glass of the picture.)
Large GIF (107K), or TIFF (476K) Image.
Movement to the Box
The camera then returns to the table and moves slowly, inspecting each set of
objects as it moves.
Large GIF (107K), or TIFF (342K) Image.
The Box
The camera focuses in on the box, and moves in slowly, finally coming to
rest looking straight down at the box.
Large GIF (116K), or TIFF (361K) Image.
The Open Box
The box opens, revealing two figures rotating.
Large GIF (100K), or TIFF (395K) Image.
Backup in Surprise
The camera pulls away in surprise and halts.
Large GIF (112K), or TIFF (392K) Image.
Room Reflection
The "outside" world is reflected in the mirror on the underside of the lid.
Large GIF (100K), or TIFF (350K) Image.
Fly into the Box
The camera flies into the box, and stays there as the box closes.
Large GIF (50K), or TIFF (270K) Image.
Dark for some Time
Scene is black for a few seconds.
Large GIF (1.7K), or TIFF (12.8K) Image.
Lights Come Up
A chandalier slowly lowers into the box. The inside of the box has been
transformed into a ballroom.
Large GIF (65K), or TIFF (187K) Image.
Magic Dust
Magic dust comes down from the chandalier, and surrounds the figures.
Large GIF (71K), or TIFF (328K) Image.
The figures begin to dance, and make a circle around the room.
Large GIF (69K), or TIFF (329K) Image.
Camera Circles
The camera makes one full circle around the dancing figures.
Large GIF (59K), or TIFF (287K) Image.
It comes to rest at it's previous location, and the figures finish their
Large GIF (72K), or TIFF (329K) Image.
We fade to black.
Large GIF (1.7K), or TIFF (12.8K) Image.
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Last Change: June 15, 2016 / gogo at
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